This is the font used for dialog and in most menus. /EVENT/FONT.BIN contains two-bits-per-pixel bitmap information and nothing else. Each letter is 35 bytes: 10 pixels across and 14 pixels tall. The font is rendered with different palettes (located elsewhere?) in different areas of the game. I wrote this program to decode the font. Note that in the original file the letters are arranged in a single column with 0 first, 1 below it, and so on. My program arranges them in a block to keep the image's pixel dimensions reasonable.
Graphical map titles displayed before battles and story sequences. /EVENT/MAPTITLE.BIN contains four-bits-per-pixel bitmap information and nothing else. Each title is 2,560 bytes: 256 pixels across and 20 pixels tall. When a title is rendered against a non-black background like an image, it has a drop shadow and alpha transparency. I wrote this program to decode the titles.
Alazlam's introduction to the story, before you enter your name. /OPEN/OPNTEX.BIN contains a lot of other stuff, but the two TIM files below contain the introduction. They are embedded in /OPEN/OPNTEX.BIN at decimal offsets 137216 and 172032, respectively. I used rveach's TIM Viewer to extract the TIM files. The same program can also convert the TIM files to and from bitmaps and re-insert TIM files. Each line of text is 256 pixels wide and 16 pixels tall.